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Nutritional composition analysis of gummy bears: there is health in sweetness

Release date: 2023-07-10 Click:

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Gummy bears are a popular snack not only because they're cute and delicious, but also because of their nutritional value. The following is the nutritional composition analysis of gummy bears:

Calories: Gummy bears typically contain about 10 calories per gummy, which means they should be eaten in moderation if you want to enjoy this treat.

Carbohydrates: Gummy bears are primarily composed of carbohydrates, with each gummy containing about 2 grams of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are made up of ingredients like sugar and starch.

Sugar: Gummy bears contain a lot of sugar, each gummy contains about 2 grams of sugar. If you're controlling your sugar intake, it should be eaten in moderation.

Fat and Protein: Gummy bears are virtually free of fat and protein.

Overall, gummy bears are a snack with relatively low nutritional value, but if you eat them in moderation, they can provide your body with some energy and a good mouthfeel.

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